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Cherry lips…Crystal Skies...

Cherry lips…Crystal Skies...

Cherry lips…Crystal Skies...

Cherry lips…Crystal Skies...

Cherry lips…Crystal Skies...

Cherry lips…Crystal Skies...

Cherry lips…Crystal Skies...

Cherry lips…Crystal Skies...
The title of this video truly reflects today's little obsession…I've been listening to Taylor Swift's Black Space non-stop (and watching the video). And thinking about it, the look kind of has a little bit of something of the video ( I really need to find out who did the styling for the video…every outfit was ON-point!!). Since the weather has been extra-nice, I finally gave my short-sleeve crop tops a rest…and I paired this amazing skirt with a long-sleeve one (remix coming soon!). Also, I have been wearing tons of burgundy….last year I thought it was my favorite color of the season, I think it's my favorite color ever now. Random thought…someone commented on my instagram that she wishes all people wore outfits like that on the street- me too! Sometimes I feel like the odd one..but I don't believe in jeans and tanks on a daily basis….(so let me ask something a la' Carrie Bradshaw -whom would totally rock this look:…I couldn't help but wonder: when did we loose the glamour?)

El título de este video refleja mi pequeña obsesión del día…llevo TODO el día con la canción Blank Space de Taylor Swift en la cabeza. Y el look es elegantito…como los del video (que por cierto, tengo que averiguar quien hizo el estilismo del video porque todo está espectacular). Ya que el clima ha estado cooperando, pude utilizar este crop top manga larga en vez de los manga corta que utilizo todo el tiempo…lo combiné con esta falda, que por cierto no pude esperar para usarla. Ultimamente he estado utilizando mucho blanco y negro…pero con vinotinto (me encanta…es un color tan versátil y elegante!). Alguien me comentó en Instagram que ojalá que toda la gente se vistiera así en las calles… y de verdad que si, siento que en general la gente se conforma con utilizar jeans y una camiseta… ¿en que momento perdimos el glamour?
Cherry lips…Crystal Skies...
LULUS long sleeve crop top (similar on DailyLook)
Necklaces: Irdia and TAudrey

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