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SURPRISE-INSIDE CAKES! 53823 - Have you ever baked a cake with a surprise inside?
Did you even know it was possible?!?!?
Surprise-Inside Cakes!
{I know. It's kind of mind-blowing, isn't it?}

Blogger Amanda Rettke from i am baker is pretty famous for her surprise-inside cakes. Amanda's blog first caught my attention years ago through cookies. She makes gorgeous cookies. And then, one day on her blog...she posted a cake that was decorated on the INSIDE.

It was almost too much for my little brain to handle. Actually, it hurt my brain to even try to comprehend how she was making them. {THIS is one of my favorites from her blog...I think at the time, I emailed it to everyone in my email contact list.}

Lucky for us, Amanda has a beautiful new book, Surprise-Inside Cakes, walking us through the recipes, and step-by-step instructions to creating these amazing cakes.
Lucky for ME, she has a guide dividing the projects from simple to complex. I think I'll start simple...although, don't think simple isn't beautiful:
Surprise-Inside Cakes! The Maypole Cake

I'm totally smitten with this chevron cake:
Surprise-Inside Cakes!

When my husband looked over my shoulder as I was reading the book, he couldn't get over this house cake...
Surprise-Inside Cakes!

If you've ever wanted to master the "rose cake," the book has you covered.
Surprise-Inside Cakes!

This bunny cake, though, just might be my favorite.
Surprise-Inside Cakes! I don't's tough to choose a favorite. Each and every one is a masterpiece.
Would you like a copy of Surprise-Inside Cakes? Amanda's publisher has a copy for one lucky Bake at 350 reader! Yay!

To enter:
  • leave a comment on this post telling me what design you'd love to see inside a cake.

Entries accepted through 11:59 P.M., March 23rd. US addresses only. Good luck!

Surprise-Inside Cakes!
(inside the book jacket from Surprise-Inside Cakes)

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