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Book Review: Etched...Upon My Heart: What We Learn and Why We Never Forget by Jill Kelly - Movie Review

Book Review: Etched...Upon My Heart: What We Learn and Why We Never Forget by Jill Kelly>
> Jill Kelly shares with the reader the tragedy of learning that her son Hunter had Leukodustrophy, her family's struggle to deal with the disease, and how they turned to God to help them through it. One of the most remarkable parts is how she uses every aspect of the struggle and, in fact, life, to lead her closer to the Lord. She breaks it out into 8 chapters, sharing what they've learned about each, mainly from Hunter's struggle. Here are some of the lessons she shares, that should be 'etched upon our hearts'. not to forget: >
>Love - God is love - you cannot know what real love is apart from knowing God>. - >>>>
Significance - Our failures will eventually lead us into God's faithfulness>. >
Forgiveness - Forgive as the Lord forgave you. >>>>
Suffering - Everyone will face painful trials - no one is exempt. Suffering is part of God's plan for his children. >>>
Faithfulness - But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen and protect you from the evil one (Thessalonians 3:3) >>>>
A very touching story which is somehow tragic, hopeful and uplifting at the same time. Above all, it is inspirational, showing us how to use life's crosses to bring us closer to the Lord. >
About the Author: Jill Kelly is the wife of former Buffalo Bills quarterback Jim Kelly. In September 1997, months after their infant son, Hunter, was diagnosed with a fatal disease called Krabbe Leukodustrophy, Jim and Jill founded the Hunter’s Hope Foundation. As chairman of the board of Hunter’s Hope, Jill helps children suffering from Leukodystrophy, and their families by raising awareness and research funds to fight this devastating disease. She and Jim live in Buffalo, NY, with their two daughters and three dogs. Hunter’s Hope Foundation can be found online at >>. Jill is also the author of Without A Word. >>>

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