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Importance of Strong Bones - Health Tips

Importance of Strong - Strong bones - Walk confidently, complete with miniskirts, sexy tank top and high heels, Michael Jackson stepped with confidence. Her body is slim and toned, indeed proud that make women envious glance at him. Trisha is really good at showing her sexiness.

Not only that, when he took his stack of documents that is thick and tall, he can take it with alacrity. This proves that behind his lean and toned, she also has strong bones.

Having a toned body ideal is certainly the hope of every woman. Yes, toned body ideal is to make it look more attractive appearance. But, toned body ideal is not only important for appearance only you know. Toned body ideal was also important for health, one for bone health.

Strong bones are very important so that you can freely move. This is related to the function of bone to support the posture. In addition, bone is also a place of attachment of the joints and muscles that play an important role in the process of moving body parts.

To maintain bone health, nutrient intake is essential. One of them, with sufficient calcium is the main mineral constituent of bone and vitamin D needs that are important to enhance the absorption of calcium in the body. But not only have the intake of nutrients that need attention had you known. Body composition was also related to bone health.

Secrets of Strong BonesThe results are listed on Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise showed no association between body composition and bone density levels. Apparently, women who have lean body mass (weight without fat and higher) has a level higher bone density, which means to have stronger bones.

Those who have a lean body mass or weight without a high-fat means having a number of lower fat and higher muscles. That way, your body looks more toned ideal. The key to getting toned body ideal is not difficult; the most important thing is to stay away from fatty foods and exercising regularly. Do not forget the high-protein milk enriched with fat burners to lose the fat and increase your lean body mass.

In addition, regular exercise alone can indeed provide protection against bone. The results are listed in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research shows dual benefits of exercise for increasing lean body mass and bone density in women.

Well, the ideal body and strong bones? What woman does not want to get it. With the appearance of an ideal and strong bone, you can freely move and move with confidence plus attract all the attention to yourself.

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