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Things You Must Know to Lose Weight Correctly - Diet Tips

Things You Must Know to Lose Weight - When trying to lose weight fast does not worry that the diets are balanced and that can trigger health problems. Diets "miracle" does not exist and can be very harmful to the body. It is very dangerous to remove the excess kilos in the shortest time possible; it is best placed in the hands of a specialist and follows a healthy lifestyle.
  1. Health care. - When following a strict diet and unbalanced significantly reduces the intake of minerals. Minerals are an essential input for the proper functioning of the body. Must be taken to continue to provide these nutrients for health is not affected.
  2. Exercising. - The practice of daily exercise, promotes weight loss and the production of endorphins in the brain that improve mood.
  3. See a specialist. - The most appropriate is the dietitian and nutrition. It is necessary to make a preliminary check and a study of eating habits, daily activity, and basal metabolism and body composition so that the specialist can recommend a personalized diet and exercise more appropriate.
  4. Learning to eat. - You have to eliminate bad eating behaviors and keep them beyond the period of the diet. Try to take care of all year, eat a balanced diet, not to exclude essential food, exercise and take nutrients from all food groups. We must banish myths that certain foods are fattening and not be taken, many of these foods provide much needed nutrients such as bread, olive oil, omega3, beans, soya beans, bananas, pasta.
  5. Healthy Habits .- The ideal is to eat at home but if we are forced to do out there that try to take less salt and less fat. Try to make 5 meals a day. To promote digestion should be chewed slowly and well. They should try to reduce the consumption of animal protein and opt for fruits and vegetables. Take chicken, turkey, rabbit and fish.
  6. Drink. - Usually improves the functioning of the internal organs. Drinking water, tea and juices.
  7. Forget the diets, "miracle”. - It is impossible to lose the kilos accrued during the year in a few weeks. Diets that promise immediate cause harmful side effects such as: vitamin and mineral deficiency, metabolic disorders anorexia and bulimia and even in extreme cases.
  8. To reduce stress. - Stress can be in management with yoga, tai-chi or Pilates to relax. The herbal medicine also helps by infusions that help you relax and avoid anxiety as linden, valerian or poppy.
  9. Adequate rest. - A good rest is essential to maintain the necessary balance. They should sleep 7 to 8 hours in a comfortable bed and a comfortable room.
  10. Eating healthy is to eat everything. - Dieting does not have to be boring. We must change the way you cook or additives but try to eat everything in perspective.

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