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10 easy ways to Fix slow computer #89910 - 10 easy ways to Fix slow computer

10 easy ways to Fix slow computer
It is most widely found on the user's computer is slowing down the process computer. Slowing down your computer's performance impaired our activities. Well this time I will share a few tips to cope with a slow computer.
Basically to overcome computer that feels constantly slowing down it is to do maintenance on a regular basis and doing some simple tune-up. When it is necessary step windows reinstall or upgrade hardware components could be the right solution to your computer's performance remains optimal. The following 10 causes of slow computer and how to overcome it. 1. slow computer due to lack of Memory Slow computer problems due to lack of RAM installed is generally already known by all users of the computer.
For it try the check capacity memory installed, to classmates Intel Pentium 4 computer with OS Windows XP and standard applications we recommend that you upgrade one memory be at least 1 GB. 2. Computer slow because too many programs installed. Personally I often find computer mainly privately owned in the-install an assortment of programs in it, though it is rarely or even never used at all.
Please check any installed program dikomputer by clicking Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel and un-install programs that just became "accesories".
3. Computer slow because too many startup programs and services that are running. This relates to point No. 2, more and more programs are installed, the more are the programs and services that will run when windows startup.
10 easy ways to Fix slow computer
Process Explorer
To disable startup programs and service that runs automatically, go to the "System Configuration Utility" by type: msconfig in the run menu, and then on the startup tab and uncheck do service against applications which are not necessary.
To see what applications are running, we can use the tool Prosesexplorer. With this tool we can see and disable (kill) any applications that are not needed or suspected virus. Download Process Explorer here4. Computer slow because Temporary files which have been swelled The cause of a slow computer to four is already many temporary files (temporary). For Windows Xp the file is in the location: "C:\Documents and Settings\nama_user\Local Settings\Temp" and "C:\WINDOWS\Temp".
To clean it, delete the one file-files contained in both locations, or run Disk CleanUp program by click start-run, type: "Cleanmgr.exe" and then select the drive that you want to cleanup. 5. Computer slow because too many programs that act as "security programs" Security programs such as antivirus and firewall programs are additional applications that must exist on the computer, but do not be too excessive for example by installing 2-3 antivirus programs at once.
For windows security issues, the most important is do the update, enable a firewall and use an antivirus that does not overload the computer like for example Antivirus PCMAV and be careful when using a USB flash drive as RAM/Memory Card.
6. slow computer due to problems on the hard drive The second component is the hard drive after the RAM could cause the computer to be slow. Slow computer problems caused by this hard drive because: -low hard drive space -fragmented hard drive -the hard drive is long, so his rpm decreases -hard drive error/bad sectors
How to fix slow computer due to problems in the above hard drive are: -upgrade the capacity of hard disk with add or replace the hard drive -do the hard drive defragmenter periodically -avoid the hard drive from the dust, shaking and overheating. -fix the damage to the hard drive with a tool be.
7. slow computer due to a virus, malware or spyware on your computer. If the computer we have first got a virus or malware, then we recommend that you run Windows Safe Mode, turn off the system restore facility benefit from programs such as Virus Cleaner Norman Malware Cleaner to clean the virus or malware and do all updates on the operating system.
8. slow computer due to System Files are corrupt or missing. Usually happens after the computer is infected with a virus and the infected files are already corrupted or terdelete by antivirus. The most straightforward solution is to repair the operating system.
9.slow computerdue tohardware problemsoverheat.
OverheateitherHardwareonthe hard disk, vgacard,processororcpuin Generalcan causedecreasedcomputer performancethat ultimatelybecame thecomputerhangs,slowor evenfrequentrestarts.For thatmake sureair circulationonthe inside ofthe CPUgoes wellso doesthefan(fan)should be cleanfromdust andcan spinsmoothly.
10.slow computerdue toproblemsat the network/networkconnectivity
This could happenbecause of thehigh networktraffic, thehub or switchhangsor the presence ofviruses thattry toget intoour computersystem. Tosolve it, try tooff andplug in theRJ45connectoron thebackof the LANCard orLANRosette, restartthe Switch/hub andusePort scannerto seewhatdatapacketin and out ofour computers.

Well,enough ofall thisused to bemytips on"10easy ways toFixslow computer".hopefully usefulYesfriends.
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10 easy ways to Fix slow computer 10 ways to fix a slow PC. Summary: Is your PC wheezing and gasping to cross the finish line There are a few ways you can restore it to its former speedy glory follow these 10 easy steps to speed up your computer:. The only way to free up these bits of lost nasty critters and they will slow it down. To fix How to Fix Slow Computers. Two Methods: Windows Mac OS X. Uninstalling old programs is a great way to keep your computer performing well.

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