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Vainglory Ardan Hero Guide- Protector and Crystal Build

Vainglory Ardan Hero Guide- Protector and Crystal Build

This Vainglory guide will be focus on giving you some insights and build suggestions for the newest hero of the mobile game.
But before we proceed to the matter at hand, let's have a brief look on how cool is Ardan by watching the Hero Spotlight video below.
credits: video by Vainglory
Ardan Abilities
Julia's Gift- Ardan heals for a percentage of his missing health every time he takes damage. Instead of energy, Ardan uses a yellow meter called Vengeance. Vengeance builds over time and can also be gained with basic attacks, critical strikes and abilities. Because Ardan has no energy, any bonus energy and energy regeneration are converted to crystal power.
Note: This is a whole new system in Vainglory which allows Ardan to be unique among other heroes. What this ability does is allow Ardan to have instant mana without returning into your base. Just casting having instant mana ang casting your ulti in crucial situations.
Vanguard- Ardan dashes to an ally, damaging and slowing nearby enemies while granting the target a burst of move speed and a barrier that scales with Ardan's bonus health. Any time the ally takes damage, Ardan gains vengeance. This ability can be used on Ardan, but the barrier, speed boost and vengeance gain is only half as strong.
Note: This is the primary skill of Ardan that makes him an asset in party plays. He can dash to an ally, giving him 3-4 barriers and a burst of speed, slow enemies nearby, and deal damage to them. And the ally is able to recover health from enemies' attack.
Blood for Blood- Ardan leaps and punches his target. This deals crystal as well as weapon damage (that can crit) and applies basic-attack effects. Blood for Blood can only be activated when Ardan has 100% vengeance and will consume all of it.
Note: This skill give Ardan a burst normal attack when full vengeance. It is not weak at all; this skill give Ardan high mobility which can help him catch enemies.
Gauntlet- Ardan throws down the gauntlet, projecting a perimeter around the target area and gaining full vengeance. Enemies who cross the perimeter are stunned and take crystal damage. Successfully stunning an enemy grants Ardan vengeance. If Ardan leaves the perimeter it is immediately destroyed.
Note: I am not quite impress with Ardan's ulti. For me it's an average SS as I find Vanguard the most useful skill for Ardan. However, this ulti is useful especially when you have Adagio or Glaive in your team as it synergies well with their ulti's.
Ability Path
For the Protector Build, I recommend this ability distribution per level:
  • Julia's Gift
  • Vanguard- Get at levels 2, 5 ,10, 11 & 12
  • Blood for Blood- Get at levels 1, 3, 4, 7 & 8
  • Gauntlet- Get at levels 6 & 9
While for the Crystal Build, here's what I recommend:
  • Julia's Gift
  • Vanguard- Get at levels 2, 4, 5, 7 & 10
  • Blood for Blood- Get at levels 1, 3, 8, 11 & 12
  • Gauntlet- Get at levels 6 & 9
For Item Build, I recommend this items for the Protector Build:
  • Early Game- Inronguard Contract, Halcyon Potion x2, Scout Trap
  • Mid Game- Blazing Salvo, Aftershock, Sprint Boots, Chronograph
  • Core Items- Aftershock, Clockwork, Alternating Current, Travel Boots
  • 5th Item- Crucible, Fountain of Renewal, Atlas Pauldron
  • 6th Item- Aegis, Shatterglass
While for the Crystal Build, here's the items you should consider getting:
  • Early Game- same as the Protector Build
  • Mid Game- Stormguard Banner, Sprint Boots, Dragonheart, Chronograph
  • Core Items- Crucible, Clockwork, Journey Boots, Warhorn, Flare Gun
  • 5th Item- Aegis, Atlas Pauldron, Fountain of Renewal
  • 6th Item- Aftershock, Shiversteel, Tension Bow
Now let's discuss how these build works.
The Protector Build
Hard to die
Can protect teammates very well
Fast juggling and good at harassing enemy jungle heroes
Short cool down
Not much damages
Your statistic might be 2/2/30
Why Protector?
Vanguard is born to protecting others.
Although you might not get so much kill, you'll make enemies unable to flee.
Ardan was weak himself compare to Catherine , but with this you can make your allies as strong as her.
As initial items, you should always consider Ironguard Contract on both lane and jungle. Remember, your goal is to protect your allies and harass enemies, so don't take last hit.
For the mid period, choose Chronograph , Stormguard Banner and Dragonheart . Because all of Ardan 's skill are base on cool down, and Chronograph accelerate cool down. Dragonheart can make sure that you won't die during early team fights, thus you can protect ur allies effectively.
As game came to 20min, you must have at least Crucible or Clockwork . In the new version 1.1.7, Fountain of Renewal was not as op as it is before, so I didn't put it in the core build. However, it is still a good thing for Ardan, so put it in Tier 5. Normally you can not get up to tier 6 because you are not carrying the team. But if you do, you can increase your damage of the second skill, because it depends on 100% wp. Building a Tyrant's Monocle is a good choice.
The Crystal Build
All skill have 100% or 160% crystal power
Lots of damage
Enemies never escape!
Short cool down
Not as tough as stacking health
Why crystal?
Since Julia's Gift change his energy regeneration to crystal power, his crystal power can be really really high, higher than mages.
Vanguard + Aftershock + Blood for Blood = the death of Ringo , Petal or Skarrf
Normally we just buy an Ironguard Contract , 4x Halcyon Potion or 2x Halcyon Potion and a Scout Trap and start in jungle or lane with ally. When lv2 you can try to start team fight with your allies and get a little advantages. Your Blood for Blood is perfect for stealing exp and potion from enemies.
And then, the first item you rush should be Aftershock . It fit Blood for Blood very well since you can dash to them to make sure your Aftershock deal damage. Then, choose Alternating Current and Chronograph to increase damage.
For the 5th item and 6th item, Crucible is very important, because in current meta two Ardan appears at every matches. Atlas Pauldron can be used whenever your enemies build weapon power.
How to Play Ardan
Ardan is not a hard hero to play. Start in the jungle, and help ally clearing jungle. Your job in the first 10 min is to make sure that allies are not being killed by enemy again and again, not getting all the last hit from Ringo or Glaive or whatever. As long as you notice that, playing Ardan will be really interesting.

Several Tips:
Avoid using Vanguard on yourself. Casting Vanguard on Ardan is much more weaker than casting it on your ally. When you are fighting Kraken at last, you can cast an ultimate that circles the Kraken, then your enemies won't steal them from you.

Ardan's ultimate can cooperate with Adagio and Glaive 's ultimate. This is really useful. If your team have them, you should cast ult first to make sure theirs can maximize the damage.Vainglory Ardan Hero Guide- Protector and Crystal Build Vainglory Hero Guide Build 3 5.0 out of 5 based on 24 Alternating Current Crystal Saw Build in Vainglory Crystal Power Ardan in Vainglory Find top build guides by Vainglory players. Ardan was a pretty strong hero, Protector Build Version 2 Add Crystal Ardan Vainglory's newest hero, the protector Ardan, is now in the Fold. BUILDS GUIDES. Visit VaingloryFire for player guides and item builds to up your game.

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