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For the second day of Bakeathon, I decided on a simple cookie that had only Wheat cookie recipe and also called for an addition of Orange Juice. After baking I almost thought this was a flop, only I decided I would bake it further and see what happens. I was pleasantly surprised at the way this turned out.

I must note here that this is the best tasting cookie I have baked and would make sure I repeat this again. Fearing that it might turn out so so, I had halved the recipe, which I sorely regretted. I must have gone ahead and made the full recipe. Having decided on the entire set of recipes that I want to bake, I keep out the butter everyday and then keep it back in again. Finally I was able to bake late in night and managed two in one shot, though I had wanted to do three. So this repeated for the next two times. I guess this is easy to manage with cookies and cakes, though yeast bread might end up little tough to manage in a late night drama. The recipe is adapted from my filed collection.
Orange Cashew Wheat Cookies | Eggless Wheat Cookies with Orange and Cashew

Orange Cashew Wheat Cookies | Eggless Wheat Cookies with Orange and Cashew

Orange Cashew Wheat Cookies | Eggless Wheat Cookies with Orange and Cashew

Orange Cashew Wheat Cookies | Eggless Wheat Cookies with Orange and Cashew

Orange Cashew Wheat Cookies | Eggless Wheat Cookies with Orange and Cashew

Orange Cashew Wheat Cookies | Eggless Wheat Cookies with Orange and Cashew
Baking Mode : Convection Mode
Preparation Time : 10 - 12 mins
Baking Time : 20 - 25 mins at 185 Deg C

Orange Cashew Wheat Cookies

Ingredients Needed

Whole wheat flour - 3/4 cup
Butter - 1/2 cup
Powdered sugar - 1/4 cup
Baking powder - 1/4 tsp
Baking soda - 1/4 tsp
Chopped cashew nuts - 5 whole,
Orange juice - half of a whole orange (2 tbsp)
Milk - almost 1/2 cup or as required
Butter for greasing

How to bake Orange Cashew Wheat cookie

Combine all the ingredients together in a bowl and whisk to get a soft dough.

Pre heat the oven at 185 Deg C.

On a greased tray, scoop out a spoonful of batter. Bake at 185 deg C for 20 mins.

Depending on the crispiness, bake for another 5 - 7 mins or till the cookies are golden brown in colour.

Cool completely and store in an air-tight container.

Orange Cashew Wheat Cookies | Eggless Wheat Cookies with Orange and Cashew

You can freeze the dough for 10 mins and then cut out shapes or using a piping bag, press out even discs. Depending on the nozzle, you can shape the dough out.

I started with baking at 15 mins, then continued for 5 - 6 mins.

Baking time can vary depending on the moisture content with the milk and orange juice added. You can always take a risk at opening it in interval to check on the done ness of the cookie.

The cookie had a nice and inviting brown colour with a delicious after taste. You are left with wanting to bite more. The cashew bits added to the richness and you wouldn't think this was baked with just wheat flour.

You can check out my partners in crime doing the Bakeathon: Champa, Sumana Deepak, Priya Suresh, Veena Krishnakumar, Preeti Deo


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