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[beauty] Personal. Friday Fun

Personal. Friday Fun

I got nominated by my wonderful friend Jemma at
1. You must link back to the person who nominated you.
2. You must state 11 facts about yourself.
3. You must answer the 11 questions given to you, from your nominator.
4. You must nominate other bloggers, and set 11 questions for them to answer.
5. You can't nominate the person who nominated you.
6. You must tell the people you've nominated them, so they can take part!
11 Facts
1. I am exactly 5 foot.
2. I love moustaches.
3. I ride a motorbike.
4. I have a cat named Bruce I like to talk about as if he was my child, it's a little weird.
5. I always start projects and never finish them.
6. I want to start a clothing line, but I am rubbish at sewing.
7. I love writing lists.
8. I love planning out my money and budgeting even though I never follow it and spend more then I should.
9. I love to read books.
10. I am very good at procrastinating. ( like right now)
11. I really want a dominos right now. ( Mighty meaty if you must know)

My questions:
1. What got you into blogging? I became quite obsessed with style and beauty youtube videos and i felt a bit camera shy to do that all the time I also wanted a way to put some kind of dent in the fashion world for when I release my clothing line.
2. Where do you see yourself in five years? Hopefully running my clothing line!! In some kind of cool town house with brick walls.....
3. Name some of your favourite blogs?
4. How does a typical day in your life go? Get up, dependant on my shift probably gym then work or work then gym, then whatever I have planned! Then sleep. I don't lead an exciting life!
5. Name your favourite film? Across the Universe or 101 dalmatians.... I don't really have 1 favourite..
6. What inspires you? Everything. I know thats a cliche answer but seeing all different types of people their styles and what makes them tick I find interesting.... Or my instagram feed.
7. Style/Beauty icon? Alexa Chung ( No Brainer!)
8. Best advise you were ever given? I don't think I have been given any....
9. Fave item of clothing? My Faux fut coat. I feel a billion bucks in that baby
10. Fave beauty product? Eyeliner.
11. Describe yourself in 3 words? Quirky. humourous. Small.
I'm supposed to nominate people, but I've been a bit antisocial here and I have no one to nominate. Oops.
Nominate yourself and let me know if you have done this so I can read your answers! Same questions as mine! :)
Ciao x

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