Al'Quran Bahasa Indonesia
- Read the Quran in Bahasa Indonesia
- Resume reading from the last verse you have read with a single click!
- (NEW) Prayer reminders: suscribe to notifications of your local prayer times. Auto-setup available.
- Settings section to easily configure the app.
- Swipe from left to right to go to the previous surah or from right to left to go to the next surah.
- New design with ActionBar!
- Copy ayat to clipboard.
- Resume surah audio playback from any ayat.
- Browse suras, Ajiza' and ayat.
- Search by clicking on search icon. You can search in the whole Quran, in a Juz or in any sura.
- A long click over a verse will add it to bookmarks, share it on social media or messaging apps, or attach notes to it.
- Listen to the arab recitation (by Abdullah Basfar) inside each surah.
- Audio Manager to easily download and delete the recitations.
- Note section: read all your notes at once.
Limitations of the free version
* The search function displays the first 50 results.
* You can add up to 5 favorites.
* Non-intrusive ads.
* Download surah audio one by one
Special features of the professional version (Al'Quran Bahasa Indonesia PRO)
* For a comfortable reading, choose between three different contrast modes: default, green or black & white.
* Read Quran in portrait or landscape modes.
* The search returns all matches.
* Unlimited favorites.
* No ads.
* Improved speed.
* Download all recitations with a single click.
- Al-Quran Online Indonesia
Al-Quran Online Indonesia Kegiatan Yayasan Indonesia Membaca lainnya: JIBAS: Jaringan Informasi Bersama Antar Sekolah - Al-Quran Bahasa Indonesia - Android Apps on Google Play
Al'Quran Bahasa Indonesia - Read the Quran in Bahasa Indonesia - Resume reading from the last verse you have read with a single click! - (NEW) Prayer - Al'Quran Bahasa Indonesia - Android Apps on Google Play
Al'Quran Bahasa Indonesia- Read the Quran in Bahasa Indonesia- Resume reading from the last verse you have read with a single click!- (NEW) Prayer - Terjemahan Al Quran - Bahasa Indonesia
Panduan Mengguna. Maklumkan sebarang kesalahan dengan menyatakan nombor surah & ayat kepada; atau YM: mystrique; Bagi proses pencarian ayat, Tekan kekunci "Ctrl + F". - Quran Suci Terjemah & Tafsir — Indonesian Translation
Quran Suci (Terjemah & Tafsir): by Maulana Muhammad Ali Indonesian Translation and Commentary of the Holy Quran - Al'Quran Bahasa Indonesia - Publisher Description
Publisher Description Al'Quran Bahasa Indonesia - Read the Quran in Bahasa Indonesia - Resume reading from the last verse you have read with a single click! - Al-Quran dan Terjemahan Indonesia
Al-Quran dan Terjemahan 114 Surat 30 Juz dan Terjemahan Dalam Bahasa Indonesia Kitab Ini Tiada Keraguan Padanya Petunjuk Bagi Mereka Yang Bertaqwa
Quran-terjemah online adalah website yang berguna untuk memudahkan setiap muslim membaca Al-Quran memalui web. Baca Quran- Islam - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
Islam memberikan banyak amalan keagamaan. Para penganut umumnya digalakkan untuk memegang Lima Rukun Islam, yaitu lima pilar yang menyatukan Muslim sebagai sebuah - Al-Qur'an - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
Al-Qur'an (ejaan KBBI: Alquran, Arab: القرآن) adalah kitab suci agama Islam. Umat Islam percaya bahwa Al-Qur'an merupakan puncak dan penutup wahyu Allah yang
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