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[Movie Review] Book Review: "Don't Blink" by James Patterson and Howard Roughan

Book Review: "Don't Blink" by James Patterson and Howard Roughan
Warning: potential spoilers
While conducting an interview at New York's famous Lombardo's Steak House, reporter Nick Daniels witnesses a murder and accidentally captures a key piece of evidence. This immediately makes Nick a target of both law enforcement and organized crime. The main question is: who will get to him first?
Not only is Nick on the run, but he must also try to protect those he loves: his sister, his niece and his girlfriend.
This is the fastest-paced James Patterson story I've read (and I'm a big fan, so I've read quite a few). It is full of plot won't know who to trust until the very end.
Content warnings include mostly language, some violence, and two particularly gruesome murders (two victims have their eyes removed).
A thrilling story you won't be able to put down.

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