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Natural Homemade Remedies To Cure Bad Breath

Natural Homemade Remedies To Cure Bad Breath

Natural Homemade Remedies To Cure Bad Breath

1.To Cure bad breath with LEMON--

High acidic content in lemon prevents the growth of bacteria on the tongue and gums. Create a mixture of salt and lemon and rinse before bedtime to cure bad breath.
Suck on a lemon wedge
Squeeze as much as of the lemon into the drinking water as possible, it will help cover up the odour.
Make ice cubes with lemon juice and suck on the ice whenever you need it.
Dry lemon peels, grind it and use as tooth powder daily in morning.

2-Cumin Seeds (Jeera) home remedy for bad breath--

Roasted cumin eliminates bad breath immediately.
Boil 1 cup water, add 1 tsp cumin seeds. Strain and cool off the water. By gargling with this water twice a day can reduce bad breath and alleviate mouth ulcers.

3.Cinnamon home remedy for bad breath--

Chewing on a cinnamon stick will release essential oils that kill bacteria, and cures bad breath.
Boil 1 tsp of cinnamon powder, strain the solution and use it as a mouth rinse to refresh your breath.
Take ½ tsp of cinnamon powder, juice of 2 fresh lemons and 1/2-1 tsp of baking soda. Mix all the ingredients with 1 cup of water. Stir well. Granny's freshener is ready; now gargle with 2 tsp for 1 minute. Store rest in refrigerator for further use.

4.Ginger home remedy for bad breath--

Cut a little piece of ginger and chew on it for a minute
Gargle with 1 glass of warm water mixed with 1 tsp of ginger juice controls bad breath.

5.Cardamom home remedy for bad breath--

It removes the bad smell of garlic and onion.

6.Pomegranate home remedy for bad breath--

Boil its peel, strain and cool it. Keep this in mouth for few seconds and gargle.

7.Salt home remedy for bad breath--

Daily gargle 4 times with salt dissolved in water.

8.Neem home remedy for bad breath--

Chew 5 leaves after meal.

9.Mint home remedy for bad breath--

Boil mint leaves Strain the water in a bowl or glass. Gargle with it twice daily.

10.Baking soda home remedy for bad breath--

High acidity of baking soda will prevent bacteria from growing on your
tongue. Brushing teeth with baking soda and gargle with baking soda dissolved in
warm water is effective in curing bad breath.

source :,,

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