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[Beauty Guide] 8 Tricks To Save Money On Beauty Products

8 Tricks To Save Money On Beauty Products

If one of your resolutions for 2014 is to spend less money on beauty products, you’re in luck. Though we constantly find ourselves splurging on the latest color lipstick or a hair mask to repair our damaged hair, there are countless ways to save money on the beauty products you buy year-round.

Buy quality products:>
The theory behind this one is that if you buy a quality product, it will last you much longer than a cheap imitation. In the same way that investing in a quality piece of clothing will save you money in the long run (as opposed to buying multiple less expensive products that will add up to the same amount anyway), purchasing better quality one time will save you money long term.

Return the wrong colors:>
Always ask about a return policy before you buy a product, this way you know whether or not you’ll be able to return a product once you open the packaging. If you buy a foundation and it’s the wrong color for your skin tone, don’t lose out on that money by not returning something you’ll never use.

Buy in bulk and split the cost:>
You may not need six deodorants or lip balms or razors or at once, but buying in bulk and splitting the cost in half with your friends will help to lower your overall out of pocket money. This one’s especially useful when shopping on mass retailer websites like Amazon or Walmart.

Take advantage of multi-use products:>
Find products that serve more than one purpose (lip stain and cheek stain, or 2-in-1 shampoo conditioner, your flat iron that can also create curls) to buy less and still get the same amount of results.

Only use as frequently as you need:>
That whole “lather, rinse, repeat” direction on the back of shampoo bottles? It’s false, and if you’re using twice the amount of shampoo each time you wash your hair, you’ll need to buy shampoo twice as often. Considering you should only be washing your hair once every two days or so, you’ll be saving by buying less. When it comes to makeup, taking one day off a week will be giving your wallet — and your face — a break.

Get a rewards card:>
Both at drugstores and beauty retailers, customer loyalty cards yield some amazing rewards. Sephora’s Beauty Insider program rewards you with sample sized products, while some drugstores reward you in dollars you’re able to spend on your purchases there.

Make your products last longer:>
Storing nail polish in the fridge, cleaning your makeup brushes weekly and not pumping your mascara wand into the tube (which puts in more air, drying it out faster) are all ways to make your products last longer. Don’t lose time, or money, by throwing away a product when it could’ve longer.

Compare prices before buying:>
In store or online, use Google to compare prices at different retailers before purchasing, and be sure to keep shipping and handling fees in mind if you’re buying online. Saving $3 on a product because you’re buying from a mass retailer will add up over time.

source :,,

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