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[Cheap short prom dress] recent scrappings

Happy Fourth of July everyone!! I hope you're all off having fun today!
I haven't done a post in a while with my recent scrappings! So - here are some of the pages I've scrapped over the past few weeks!
First up - some pages from our Fall 2009 trip to Disney World. These are pics with the princesses from our breakfast in the castle!
recent scrappings
And here are some photos from the France Pavilion at Epcot.
recent scrappings
A bouncing back to our Disneyland trip during Fall of 2007, the trip I'm working hard to finish! Here's a couple pages from that trip:
recent scrappings
recent scrappings
Here are a few non-Disney pages too. See! I don't always scrap Disney!! This one is from Father's Day last year! My SIL is going to kill me for scrapping and posting this picture of her. Sorry, Tam!
recent scrappings
And here are three pages, featuring three of my adorable nieces.
recent scrappings
recent scrappings
recent scrappings
A fun birthday page from when we went out to dinner for Tami's birthday.
recent scrappings
And a couple more Disney pages from our more recent trips.
recent scrappings
recent scrappings
Ok - that's a lot of pages!! So, I'll be done now. Have a great holiday and I'll see you guys later!
recent scrappings

source :,,

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