Here's a guide which will show you how to defeat all bosses on the famous iOs and soon to be android game, Taichi Panda. It will teach you some tips and strategies on how to defeat the stage bosses quickly and easily.
Take note that this page will be updated when a new boss will be added to the game so be sure to check this page out constantly.
Boss #1- Tut Golem
Boss Name: Tut Golem
Location: Right at the begging of the first instance world.
What attack patterns: Mostly ground pounds when he raises his arms into the air and slams them down either on you or the ground.
Fighting Strategy: Well this boss may look fierce but really not. His attack is slow but very powerful if u get hit. I suggest when you attack don't hit head on but circle around to the back of him and hack and slash your way to victory!
Emergency Strategy: If you find yourself in the middle or in-front of the Golem and he is about to use his ground pound attack here is something to save you. Run right to the center of the golem to be very close to him, by doing this you would evade the attach all together and have another try at hitting him.
Boss #2- Dark Animus
Name: Dark Animus
Location: After completing the begging instance you will encounter him after the start of the second instance were the danger is elevating.
Battle Strategies: Well This guys has been taking lessons in sword combat and has some sick moves. Unlike his pall Tut Golem his attack are fast and can reach 360 degrees. So what is my take on it well here it is. It is recommended taking a pet that can deal damage from a distance since when attacks he swipes the sword back and forth for a combo and can do massive damage when he encounters you. As for yourself the best way to deal damage to him is a Hit and Run combo which will deal damage as well as save your skin when he comes hacking at you.
Emergency: As for this it follows the same as for the Tut Golem. Later on this will change due to some of the boss attacks. Thanks guys for tuning in on my guid to helping you and others become what you are destined for!!!!
Name: Raven
Location: Buzzard Pass in Norar's Woods Battle
Strategies: This guy must have had lesson in teleportation because that is what we will be facing in this fight. He attacks with daggers which makes his attacks lethal and quick and on top that when he gets hit couple of times he will teleport to another place and try to hit u with a front attack.
The strategy would be if your not minding losing a little health would charge right for him and hit fast and hard with normal attack and use ur skills. When he teleports run around him to the back so as to avoid the front 180 degree attack. In the picture you'll see what it mean
Emergency: This fight should not be that difficult due to the lack of defense Raven has. But if you do run into some trouble like ur health is really low if you have a pet like ice turtle or something that hits from far away not melee use ur character to run around the boss to distract him while your pet finishes of the boss!
Boss #4- Titus and Sand Envoy
Name: Titus
Location: The Savage Tribes in Norar's Woods.
Battle Strategy: Well basically this boss is an oversized ugly but strong pig! His attack are in the mid-range speed and same with the damage count. Although don't be fooled when he does the "Jump Slam Dunk". When you see the warning circle on the ground usually around you, it does not matter how far your from the boss you better run from that spot because he will jump from where he was and slam right in that spot. See an example on the image below on how to stay a back to avoid the shock waves that he causes from his aerial attack. Attack from the sides and back and don't head on strait into those ugly tusks of his.
Emergency: Well this boss my be inferior to others but he is really easy to beet so there should be no challenge to study his attack patterns and then hack and slash your way to victory!!!!!
Partner in crime all the way from a different city comes the Sand Envoy!
Location: The Envoy’s Lair in The Jaraken Barrens.
Battle Strategy: His puny little dagger is hilarious but he packs a heavy punch. His basic attacks is a hack and slash pointed towards you so you would want to run away and hit him from side or head on when he takes a moment break. Second attack would effect you only in a 180 degree he slashes his dagger and sends sand vortexes towards you damaging as they fly. They start out close and then fan out. It is suggested running way out and circle back around to avoid this attack. Finally the special and the most lethal attack would be the "Sand Trap"where he has a huge circle around him of sand and he traps you in it and then he shoots spikes from it damaging you severely. So what you would want to do is when you see it run just far away to avoid it and then go in for the kill after waiting for the spikes to go away.
Emergency: Definitely this guy would put you in the hospital if you are not careful. So if you get yourself cut in the sand trap what you want to do is use a skill wether Pan Da, Huntress, or Warrior a skill that makes you doge away from the enemy that way you will escape the perilous attack. You can run out of it but the sand makes you very slow so the spike delay will run out before you can escape.
source :,,
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