- A ship's hull should be worth more than its rigging. Women should cast a shadow. They shouldn't be able to break their nose walking into a wall if they tried. They should have lips without a trip to a doctor's office. It's shouldn't be a straight shot from the armpit to the ankle. Beauty shouldn't just be in the eye of the beer holder. Some girls' middle name is Pavlov. Some women are the reason why some women distrust their whole species. No matter how bad a housekeeper she might be, a beautiful woman will get to keep the house. Some women have to point out Halley's Comet. Behind every great woman -- is me, looking at ...
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Lyle Lovett
[Lyle Lovett] When I Buy A Sofa, I Want Some Upholstery On It - A ship's hull should be worth more than its rigging. Women should cast a shadow. They shouldn't be able to break their nose walking into a wall if they tried. They should have lips without a trip to a doctor's office. It's shouldn't be a straight shot from the armpit to the ankle. Beauty shouldn't just be in the eye of the beer holder. Some girls' middle name is Pavlov. Some women are the reason why some women distrust their whole species. No matter how bad a housekeeper she might be, a beautiful woman will get to keep the house. Some women have to point out Halley's Comet. Behind every great woman -- is me, looking at ...
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