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[breadcrumbs] Motherhood - I’ve been watching Channel 10 in the mornings lately, mainly because I really don’t like Koshie. But also because I have enjoyed the topics that Studio 10 have raised. I thought that the panel had an interesting take on motherhood the other day and I was intrigued by the different perspectives of Jessica Rowe and Ita Buttrose. Jessica was claiming that motherhood was the hardest job in the world and Ita just wanted women to get on with it and get the job done.

I love being a mother to Mr Moo – we have been super lucky that breast feeding came easily to us, we were blessed with a happy and healthy baby, and I have had a positive outlook on motherhood, untarnished by mental health issues.
But that is the thing, not all mothers are that lucky and I think that we really need to keep an eye out for those mothers who aren’t having the easiest ride (not that I think motherhood is an easy ride when you do have a happy and healthy baby).
I think we need to stop putting pressure on one another. But I also think, that those of us who are stronger, need to stand up and block other people’s shitty opinions from those who are feeling the pressure.
I think it is very easy for someone to give an opinion – but why do people think that they have the right to offer up these opinions? I don’t care if you’re family, friends or the media – unless you’re in the moment of raising a child (and importantly of similar age) don’t stick your sticky beak in!
I have been blessed with a wonderful mother’s group and we are so happy to share and look to one another for tips and tricks.
I was so glad when another mum joined our group this week. She is from a military family and I can only imagine how hard it would be to keep moving around when you are a new mum. I hope that we can become good friends and our boys will play nicely.
Motherhood – it’s a tough gig.
I’m sorry Ita, I know you’re amazing and you’ve raising a family and been a working mum. But I want to disagree with you – I think being a mum is the toughest job in the world. There is no ‘clock off’…
…But on the same note, I wouldn’t want any other job in the whole entire world. For all the tough times, there are a million gratifying moments and I only hope that those who are having a tough time being a mum at the moment can have a few gratifying moments today!
So to all the mum's reading this post...

...You are doing a good job Mummy!


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