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Settling In - We are settling in nicely to our new home! Yesterday we had our first family day at the new house! We took a long walk exploring our new neighborhood. Later on, My husband put the couch together last night ! Yay! Settling InSettling InSettling InSettling In

And our sweet new neighbors had a nice get together to welcome us to the neighborhood! We met three different families! We even sat outside on their patio in short sleeve shirts at 4pm at the end October!!! That would have never happened in New England! Everyone was exhausted at the end of the day and feel asleep on the new couch! It has been 75 degrees and sunny! Very different than the New England weather we are used to! Settling InSettling In
My son started his new pre school this morning! He was so excited! I was a little sad to drop my little guy off at school after spending the last two weeks with him, but I was happy that he was so excited to meet new friends! Settling InI actually found some free time today (gasp! ) and decided to take a little snuggle with my princess today! Settling InHope everyone is having a wonderful Monday!! XO, Kelly

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