- Do you ever get tired of the same old long traditional hairstyles and wish you could try a sexy choppy pixie haircut for a change? After all, you know how many ladies always stick to the same hair style. Well, this is your chance to try something new and bring out the fun cute side of you that will amaze everyone. Find out more...
Luckily, pixie haircuts and choppy hair styles are becoming more popular these days. If it was 20 years ago, short hair styles were less common among women. But today you can find hundreds and even thousands of creative stunning short hair ideas to choose from.
So the question is, how can you find your favorite short haircut idea? Here are a few helpful tips and ideas for you to discover more...


Which Style Matches Your Face Shape?
Did you know? Depending on the shape of your face, the same hairstyle can look fabulous or terrible on you. It is a fact. And by finding out more about your face shape, you can save lots of time and misplaced haircuts and choose the most perfect style that looks gorgeous around your face.
For example if you have a round shape face, your best bet will be a longer straight hair style that makes your face look longer and thinner. On the other hand, the worst choice would be a puffy curly short haircut that makes you look double round.
On the other hand, if your face looks very long and thin, you would want to be make it look more round and balanced, right? So as you can guess, a more curly and puffy hair style would fit you best.
So when it comes to pixie choppy hairstyles, you want to choose one which matches your face shape. Whether your face is round, oval, square, diamond, or heart shape, you can simply find the perfect haircut for it to bring out your most stunning look.
So How Can You Discover Your Face Shape?
It is easy. You can ask your hairstylist, who is already trained to be able to recognize your shape by a simple look. Or if you'd like to do it yourself, here is an easy way how...
Simply stand in front of the mirror and hold back your hair firmly in a ponytail. If you have short hair, you can use a hairband to pull back all your hair so you can easily see your full face.
Now take a careful look at the borders of your face and see which shape it looks like the most. Does it look like a perfect round shape, an oval, or a square? After you guess your face shape, you can do a quick search for it in Google and see other sample pictures to make sure you have made the correct guess.
So good luck choosing the best gorgeous choppy hair styles and pixie haircut ideas for a fresh new look!
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