Featured photographers include
Martin Schoeller,
Mitch Dobrowner,
Lynn Johnson,
Aaron Huey (2),
Stephanie Sinclair,
Karla Gachet and
Ivan Kashinsky,
Paolo Pellegrin,
Paul Nicklen,
Michael “Nick” Nichols
Paul Nicklen
Penguins | November 2012 Emperor penguins can bolt away for any number of reasons, as photographer Paul Nicklen discovered when he spooked this group. "A tenth of a second after I took this picture, all I could see were bubbles."
Martin Schoeller
Twins | January 2012 Six-year-old Johanna Gill puts a protective hand on her sister, Eva. The twins both have mild autism, a disorder linked to genetic inheritance.

Mitch Dobrowner
Epic Storms | July 2012 A dying tornado like this one is said to be in the "roping out" phase.
Watch Editor in Chief Chris Johns discuss his picks in a video from the December digital edition of National Geographic.

Lynn Johnson
Vanishing Languages | July 2012 Aidyng Kyrgys caresses his newborn baby girl, whom he refers to using a Tuvan term of endearment:
anayim, or "my little goat." There are only 235,000 Tuvan speakers in Russia

Aaron Huey
Pine Ridge | August 2012 Stanley Good Voice Elk, a
heyoka on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota, burns sage to ritually purify his surroundings. In Oglala spirituality, heyokas are recipients of sacred visions who employ clownish speech and behavior to provoke spiritual awareness and "keep balance," says Good Voice Elk. Through his mask, he channels the power of an inherited spirit, which transforms him into Spider Respects Nothing.

Aaron Huey
Pine Ridge | August 2012 A passenger barely has room for the journey home as a car is loaded with used clothing donated by a Colorado-based Native American charity. Contrary to popular myth, Native Americans do not automatically receive a monthly federal check and are not exempt from taxes. The Oglala Lakota and other Sioux tribes have refused a monetary settlement for the U.S.'s illegal seizure of the Black Hills, their spiritual home.
See more
here Best of 2012 - National Geographic Magazine Photos of the Year Top 10 Photos of 2012 See every photo from our recent National Geographic magazine stories here. Get a year of the magazine and help fund Society For nine years, National Geographic has combed the globe to find the Adventurers of the Year, each selected for his or her extraordinary achievement in exploration National Geographic Magazine has been named "best magazine" for 2013 in a contest sponsored by Pictures of the Year International. The award, announcedsource : http://anthonylukephotography.blogspot.com, http://bbc.co.uk, http://solopos.com
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