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[PHP] Generating a PDF document-PHP

Generating a PDF document-PHP

Generating a PDF document <?php
// These values are in points (1/72nd of an inch) $fontsize = 72; // 1 inch high letters $page_height = 612; // 8.5 inch high page $page_width = 792; // 11 inch wide page // Use a default message if none is supplied if (strlen(trim($_GET['message']))) { $message = trim($_GET['message']); } else { $message = 'Generate a PDF!'; } // Create a new PDF document in memory $pdf = pdf_new( ); pdf_open_file($pdf, ''); // Add a 11"x8.5" page to the document pdf_begin_page($pdf, $page_width, $page_height); // Select the Helvetica font at 72 points $font = pdf_findfont($pdf, "Helvetica", "winansi", 0); pdf_setfont($pdf, $font, $fontsize); // Display the message centered on the page pdf_show_boxed($pdf, $message, 0, ($page_height-$fontsize)/2, $page_width, $fontsize, 'center'); // End the page and the document pdf_end_page($pdf); pdf_close($pdf); // Get the contents of the document and delete it from memory $pdf_doc = pdf_get_buffer($pdf); pdf_delete($pdf); // Send appropriate headers and the document contents header('Content-Type: application/pdf'); header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($pdf_doc)); print $pdf_doc;
the functions in the PDF extension. 
This extension depends on the PDFLib 
library that is available at 
The CLibPDF extension also generates
 PDF files, 

source :,,

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