The best countermeasure for controlling stored procedures is simply to delete them. You can do so by taking these steps:
2.Expand the Extended Stored Procedures folder within the database.
3.Right click on the stored procedure.
4.For SQL Servers 7.x, 8.x, and 2000 select the Delete feature to remove the stored procedure.
If removing the stored procedures outright isn't an option before extensive testing is performed, you can restrict the permissions on the stored procedures. To perform ACLing on the SPs, follow this procedure:
2.Expand the Extended Stored Procedures folder within the database.
3.Right click on the stored procedure.
4.Select Properties.
5.Click on the Permissions tab.
6.Change the permissions as desired.
Part of the Transact-SQL reference, Microsoft SQL 2000 provides a litany of simple functions that can be called directly within an SQL string to provide valuable information. Here is a short list of helpful functions:
db_id() | Displays the database ID. Example: select db_id(); or use mydb; select db_id() |
db_name() | Displays the currently used database name and is helpful in understanding what database is being used by default. Example: select db_name(); |
file_name(<ID>) | Displays the logical file name for the supplied file identifier (ID) and is helpful for enumerating all the files within a database. Example: select file_name(1) or use mydb; select file_name(1); |
Getdate() | Displays the date and time on the system. select getdate() |
object_name(<parm>) | Displays the database object name and is helpful in enumerating the various objects within a database. select object_name(1) or use mydb; select object_name(1) |
setuser <user> | Impersonates a user but is valid only if existing user is member of sysadmin or db_owner fixed database role. setuser 'jane'; |
current_user | Displays the currently logged in user for the SQL session and is helpful in identifying the user making database queries. select current_user; |
These Transact-SQL functions can be enormously helpful to an attacker.
An attacker would salivate over this information. Other keywords that can be used are:
Unfortunately, this functionality, also, is inherent in Microsoft SQL Server and cannot be shut off.
Master.dbo Default System Stored and Extended Stored Procedures | |
Procedure | Description |
sp_addmessage | Adds a new error message to the sysmessages table. |
sp_configure | Displays or changes global configuration settings such as c2 audit mode, allow updates, remote access, remote login timeout, user connections, and the like. |
sp_help | Can enumerate just about anything on the SQL Server itself, including all objects. |
sp_helpdb | Lists the databases available and, when used with a database name as a parameter, displays specific database information. |
sp_helpprotect | Displays information on permissions for objects. |
sp_OACreate | Creates an instance of the OLE object. |
sp_OADestroy | Destroys an OLE object. |
sp_OAGetErrorInfo | Displays OLE Automation error information. |
sp_OAGetProperty | Displays a property value of an OLE object. |
sp_OAMethod | Calls a method of an OLE object. |
sp_OASetProperty | Sets a property of an OLE object. |
sp_OAStop | Stops the OLE Automation stored procedure. |
sp_password | Adds or changes a password for an SQL Server login. Examples: EXEC sp_password 'oldpass', 'newpass', 'sa'. |
sp_tables | Displays the tables for the current database. Helpful in enumerating all the tables within a database. Examples: EXEC sp_tables or use mydb; EXEC sp_tables;. |
sp_who | Displays information on SQL Server connections such as status, login name, host name where the connection is coming from, and database name and commands such as SELECT. |
xp_availablemedia | Reveals the available drives on the machine. |
xp_cmdshell | Runs arbitrary commands with administrator privilege. |
xp_deletemail | Deletes a message from the Microsoft SQL Server inbox. |
xp_dirtree | Allows a directory tree to be obtained. |
xp_dsninfo | Displays the ODBC DSN information. |
xp_enumdsn | Enumerates ODBC data sources on the server. |
xp_enumgroups | Displays a list of Windows groups on the system. Example: EXEC master..xp_dirtree. |
xp_eventlog | Displays event logs from the Windows system. |
xp_fixeddrives | Displays the fixed drives on the system and its free space in MB. |
xp_getfiledetails | Displays the properties of a given file. Example: EXEC master..xp_getfiledetails 'c:\winnt.ini'. |
xp_getnetname | Displays the running system's NetBIOS name. |
xp_grantlogin | Grants login rights of the specified user. Example: EXEC master..xp_grantlogin administrator. |
xp_logevent | Logs a user-defined message in the SQL Server log file. |
xp_loginconfig | Reveals information about the security mode of the server. |
xp_logininfo | Displays the login information of the various users. |
xp_makecab | Allows the user to create a compressed archive of files on the server (or any files the server can access). |
xp_msver | Displays the Microsoft SQL Server version, including all information about the operating system. Example: EXEC master..xp_msver. |
xp_ntsec_enumdomains | Enumerates domains that the server can access. |
xp_readerrorlog | Displays the SQL Server error log. |
xp_readmail | Reads a mail message in the SQL Server inbox. |
xp_regaddmultistring | Adds a multi string registry key. |
xp_regdeletekey | Deletes a registry key. |
xp_regdeletevalue | Deletes a value within a registry key. |
xp_regenumkeys | Enumerates registry key. |
xp_regenumvalues | Enumerates registry key values. |
xp_regread | Reads a registry key. |
xp_regremovemultistring | Removes a multistrong registry key. |
xp_regwrite | Writes to a registry key. |
xp_revokelogin | Revokes access from a Windows group or user. |
xp_sendmail | Sends a message to someone. |
xp_servicecontrol | Allows a user to start or stop a Windows service. Examples: EXEC master..xp_servicecontrol 'start', 'schedule'. |
xp_startmail | Starts an SQL Server mail client session. |
xp_stopmail | Stops an SQL Server mail client session. |
xp_subdirs | Displays a list of subdirectories. |
xp_terminate_process | Terminates a process, given its process ID (PID). |
xp_unc_to_drive | Unknown. |
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