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[video game updates] Path of Exile Shadow Guide- The Budget-Friendly Mjölner Build

Path of Exile Shadow Guide- The Budget-Friendly Mjölner Build
Mjölner is one of thing happened in Path of Exile and most players are really taking time in gaining this item for their character. However, few can get this as it is really rare and if its on the market, it's way expensive.
So what's the best option to to get Mjölner? You don't have any option but to hunt for it or buy it. Sigh... :(
But don't be sad. You can have an Mjölner build! Yes you can! But you won't be using Mjölner....
You're asking how? Then find out how below...
The idea of this build is use extensively Voll's Protector chest to get continuous Power Charges and using Cyclone + Cast on Crit + Discharge to proc them.
So that's why this build is called the Fake Mjölner Build as you will be getting the same result when using an Mjölner but, you are not using it in this build.
So the next question is how to attain this kind of build?
First of course, is to have the right set of gears..
Note: At mid levels, you can decide whether to go with Torment Gearing or Rampage Gearing. It's your choice which one best suits your playing style.
Torment Gear

Doom Slicer Imperial Skin
Sockets: Faster Attacks, Blood Magic, Whirling Blades
Grim Barrier Ironwood Buckler
Sockets: Vaal Grace, Vaal Haste, Increased Duration
Rat's Nest Ursine Pelt
Sockets: Reduced Mana, Purity of Fire, Purity of Lightning, Grace
Beast Paw Hydrascale Gauntlets
Sockets: Cast When Damage Taken, Enduring Cry, Increased Duration, Immortal Call
Havoc Marsh Wyrmscale Boots
Sockets: Righteous Fire, Assassin's Mark, Blood Magic
Voll's Protector Holy Chainmail
Sockets: Cyclone, Blood Magic, Cast on Critical Strike, Life Leech, Discharge
Rapture Loop Diamond Ring
Skull Eye Diamond Ring
Plague Gorget Amber Amulet
Golem Blind Leather Belt
Bubbling Divine Life Flask of Heat
Atziri's Promise Amethyst Flask
Ample Quicksilver Flask of Adrenaline
Ample Topaz Flask of Warding
Surgeon's Ruby Flask of Staunching
Rampage Gear
Chimeric Slicer Ambusher
Sockets: Blood Magic, Faster Attacks, Whirling Blades
Rat's Nest Ursine Pelt
Sockets: Reduced Mana, Grace, Purity of Lightning, Purity of Fire
Saffell's Frame Branded Kite Shield
Sockets: Vaal Haste, Increased Duration
Tempest Hoof Ancient Greaves
Sockets: Blood Magic, Faster Casting, Increased Duration, Immortal Call
Grim Clutches Satin Gloves
Sockets: Faster Casting, Blood Magic, Assassin's Mark, Enduring Cry
Vengeance Eye Diamond Ring
Pandemonium Gyre Diamond Ring
Agony Collar Turquoise Amulet
Doryani's Invitation Heavy Belt
Voll's Protector Holy Chainmail
Sockets: Ice Nova, Lightning Penetration, Cast on Critical Strike, Blood Magic, Cyclone, Discharge
Flask Setup:
Bubbling Divine Life Flask of Grounding
Ample Eternal Life Flask of Heat
Surgeon's Quicksilver Flask of Adrenaline
Surgeon's Topaz Flask of Staunching
Surgeon's Ruby Flask of Staunching
Surgeon's mod is amazing for the build so try your best to get it on at least your 2 resist flasks. You need a freeze dispel, a bleed remove and a curse immunity. Just run 1 instant hp pot and 1 regen pot at all times.
Endgear Setup:
Rage Scrutch Ambusher
Sockets: Faster Attacks, Whirling Blades, Blood Magic
Rat's Nest Ursine Pelt
Sockets: Grace, Purity of Lightning, Reduced Mana, Purity of Fire
Saffell's Frame Branded Kite Shield
Sockets: Increased Duration, Vaal Haste
Onslaught Trail Shagreen Boots
Maelstrom Caress Slink Gloves
Sockets: Elemental Weakness, Blood Magic
Voll's Protector Holy Chainmail
Sockets: Blood Magic, Discharge, Cast on Critical Strike, Cyclone, Life Leech, Increased Critical Strike
Voll's Devotion Agate Amulet
Bramble Loop Diamond Ring
Dire Grasp Diamond Ring
Death Lock Leather Belt
Breakdown of Gear Choices:
Helm: Get Rat's Nest because you utilize everything on it. High crit, attack speed, movement speed and good evasion. A starkonja is also useful if you'd rather life or a good evasion/acc/res/life rare will do just as well if you want more defenses.
Chest: Voll's Protector is the only chest you can use for this build. It provides you with a power charge on every single crit from cyclone, ice nova and discharge. Without it your power charge generation is severely hindered with something like power charge on crit support. A 4L works fine, 5L is pretty much all you need and a 6L will make you godtier.
Gloves: These for me, are a filler slot for some resists and life at the moment. If you can get your gear up to sufficient resists and you should be able to at the higher end of gear, then go for high attack speed (14-16), high accuracy (300+), a single resist and high life (70+). This will be your best pair of gloves imo. You can also opt for Maligaro if you feel you can afford to lose life/resists but it's not that efficient. Go for Acuity if you're a really big deal.
Boots: Max movement speed or atleast 25% is highly desired. Boots will be your main slot for resists so if you can get high tri res, life and movement speed boots you're pretty much set for most of your other slots.
Belt: Doryani Invitation lightning version is what I'm currently using. You get 1% lightning leech which works well for your discharge and a couple of resists. On top of that is lightning damage for your discharge. A high life, high resist belt can also be used if you have 1% leech on your weapon. Most of our sustain comes from popping health flasks rather than the leech, which is more just an added bonus.
Shield: Saffell's Frame is the shield of choice because without it reflect packs can start to be pretty dangerous at higher spell damage levels. You'll still need to topaz flask for reflect packs though so be careful.
Amulet: Int, high life, high accuracy and some crit are the ideal stats. Focus on those first 3 as most important though. You'll need int somewhere on your jewelry to make up enough for purity of lightning. Otherwise you probably have to waste 1 passive point on 30 int and noone wants to do that!
Rings: Diamond ring bases are best with high life, accuracy, resists, int if necessary.
Weapon: An Ambusher with high attack speed(1.8+) and high crit(8+) is what you're ideally looking for. Room to put on 1% lightning leech from Catarina is really good too. Spell damage is a huge bonus if you can afford it.

Gems and Gem Setup:
Main setup:
4L: Cast on Critical Strikes + Cyclone + Blood Magic + Discharge.
5L: Cast on Critical Strikes + Cyclone + Blood Magic + Discharge + Ice nova or Lightning Pen.
6L: Cast on Critical Strikes + Cyclone + Blood Magic + Discharge + Ice Nova + Lightning Pen.
- If you can only use the 4L setup then make sure to have either cold or fire elemental damage on your rings/amulet/dagger so when you're cycloning you still trigger Elemental Equilibrium and reduce enemy lightning resists. When using a 5L use either Ice nova or lightning pen depending on what you feel works best. Ice nova helps trigger Elemental Equilibrium as well as providing good defensive bonuses and extra power charge generation. When using a 6L, use both Ice nova and Lightning pen and sub in Conc effect or Crit damage over Ice nova for bosses like Atziri.
- Quality is really good to have on both Discharge and Cyclone. The rest are not that important but nice to have.
4L: Grace + Purity of Lightning + Purity of Fire + Reduced Mana.
- Grace and Purity of Lightning are must haves. They provide you with most of the builds defenses. Purity of Fire is something to help fill out my fire resist and max fire resist but it is an optional aura. You can choose to run purity of ice, elements or tempest shield.
3L: Blood Magic + Whirling Blades + Faster Attacks
- The bulk of your movement will be done with a run speed flask and your own 2 feet. However the build has sufficient attack speed that whirling blades comes in handy quite often.
- Quality on both whirling blades and faster attacks will help you whirl/travel faster so get it when you can.
Cast When Damage Taken:
4L: Cast When Damage Taken + Enduring Cry + Immortal Call + Increased Duration
- This setup doesn't help all that much because we're spinning and discharging most of the time, which often uses up your endurance charges before IC will. That said it still does proc both EC and IC at the same time to save you from melee damage sometimes. It is an important setup for things like Academy boss which will give you plenty of immunity time to burn him down. - Quality is great to have on both Immortal Call and Increased Duration. Priority isn't especially high but ideally you'll get those with quality for longer immunity durations.
2L: Blood Magic + Assassin's Mark or Elemental Weakness
- Use Assassin's Mark because it helps fill out my missing crit and grants additional critical damage as well. From a pure dps standpoint Ele weakness will probably do more.
Vaal skill
2L: Vaal Haste + Increased Duration
- Vaal Haste gives a great boost during boss fights and even throughout map clearing. If you use it liberally enough you should be able to get 5-10 of em off during a map. Save it up for a boss fight and use it just before entering the battle. Helps proc many discharges and take bosses down easier. If you choose to use any other vaal skills like spark or whatever, it's up to you.
The Passive Skill Tree
Passive Skill Tree at level 93
Path of Exile Shadow Guide- The Budget-Friendly Mjölner Build
If you want to see the detailed passive skill tree for level 93, then check this link> later.
The Passive Skill Tree at Endgame
Path of Exile Shadow Guide- The Budget-Friendly Mjölner Build
The details on the endgame passive skill tree is here>

source :,,

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