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[xbox one] Alien Isolation: The Trigger Walkthrough Guide for PC, PS4, Xbox One, PS3 & Xbox 360

Alien Isolation: The Trigger Walkthrough Guide for PC, PS4, Xbox One, PS3 & Xbox 360
Here's a walkthrough guide on the 5th DLC installment (named The Trigger) of the survival horror game Alien Isolation for PC, PS4, Xbox One, PS3 & Xbox 360.
The Trigger will let you play the role of Ricardo, Sevastopol Station’s Deputy Marshall, as he risks his own life to save the station’s inhabitants.
Alien Isolation: The Trigger Walkthrough
Welcome to The Trigger, the fifth add-on content pack for Alien: Isolation.
Can you make Sevastopol safe? You’ve been given a box of explosives and the locations to set them. All you need to do now is pull the trigger… and stay alive.
– Features three all-new Survivor Mode maps. Can you survive and get the highest score?
– Play as Ricardo and learn the truth behind the explosives on board Sevastopol.
– Avoid security alarms, take on Working Joes and above all, survive the Alien.
Important Note: If you own the Alien: Isolation Season Pass, DO NOT purchase this content separately as you will be charged again. Alien: Isolation required; sold separately.
Level 1: Damage Control
Welcome to the full Alien Isolation: The Trigger DLC walkthrough!
Returning back to the original Survivor Mode with three new, terrifying maps, our fifth add-on pack, ‘The Trigger’ may prove the most challenging yet for you hard-core survivors.
Across three new maps with the toughest opponents and obstacles, your wits will have to be their sharpest and your survival skills honed to their best. The station’s dangers are unending and, as always, the Xenomorph stalks its depths… Will you be able to survive the dangers that are waiting?
Nitazera will be your guide showing you around the Survivor Mode levels in “The Trigger”.
Level 2: The Package
Level 3: Blast Seat
credits: Guide made by Sega and Nitazera.

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