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Swing and a Miss #27919

NOTE: Today's post may not be appropriate for young children who understand double entendres.

Look, I'm not going to say I'm proud of what I first saw when I looked at this cake, butt...

Swing and a MissOk, I'm a little proud.

Also, dad's ball seems a little low.

Speaking of which, go ahead: tell me this placement wasn't intentional:

Swing and a MissAnd maybe I'm out in left field here, but don't you usually tend to see this kind of thing around third base?

Still, at least that baker has actually seen a baseball bat before. This one seems to have confused it with some kind of joystick:

Swing and a MissAnd in related news, something something "some kind of joystick."

See? These jokes practically write themselves.

Ah. I see the force is strong with this one:

Swing and a MissShow off.

Also, is that a Chef's hat, or a pile of poo? 'Cuz I can't make heads or tails of it.

And finally, men, do you experience a burning sensation when you go?

Swing and a bat, I mean? Go to bat?

Thanks to Adria P., Amy U., Stephanie D., A. R., Denise H., and V.D. for that last joke.

Swing and a Miss Swing and a Miss. 97 likes middot 1 talking about this. We are a jazz/swing band out of Eureka Springs Arkansas. Available for wedding receptions, special Swing and a Miss Pop/Motown Jazz/Big Band, Twin Cities. 92 likes. Performing pop/rock Motown, jazz big band, Swing and a Miss is a hit at dances, Swing and a Miss provides demo samples for the 4 piece classic hits and jazz combo configurations with music appropriate for audiences of all ages. Band members

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