Welcome to December!
Black Forest cake is one of favourites in my family, but one of us is not fan of cream in cakes. To avoid disappointment, I added chocolate to the cream part and the result is delightful. This (pictured-one) is second that I made this month (November is month of birthday cakes in my kitchen - both my sons have birthdays in November, and so is my mum, my mother in law, my best friend...Lots of scorpios in my life!)
6 eggs
1 cup sugar
75 g flour
50 g cocoa, good quality
300 ml thickened cream, 35% fat
200 g dark chocolate
1/4 cup (+) icing sugar
300 ml double cream, 45% fat
1 jar of pitted cherries
1-2 tbs Chery Brandy ,( or Kirsh -optional)
2 tsp arrowroot (tapioca flour), or corn flour
Preheat oven to 170*C; prepare 22 cm spring form (line with baking paper).
Beat eggs and sugar until very thick and pale. Sift flour and cocoa on top and fold in. Bake for 35 minutes, or until inserted toothpick comes out clean. Cool, then take out and horizontally cut into 3 layers.
Divide cherries into 3 parts; reserve 1 cup of liquid. Add cherry brandy to the liquid. Brush 2 bottom layers of sponge with this mixture, place cherries over them. The rest of liquid (2/3 cup) mix with corn flour and boil until thick. Add last part of cherries and let it cool.
Heat cream, pour over chocolate and stir into a smooth consistency. When set, add double cream and icing sugar; beat until thick. Divide into 3; spread 2 first layers and assemble cake. Put cream around last layer, leaving middle free. Spoon jelly with cherries in the middle and refrigerate for 2 hours, before slicing.
ÄŒokoladna 'Schwartzwald' Torta
Dobrodosli u decembar!
'Schwartzwald' torta je jedna od omiljenih u mojoj porodici, ali jedan od nas ne voli pavlaku u kolacima. Stoga sam dodala cokoladu u krem, da bih izbjegla razocaranje. Torta je bila odlicna.
Ova (na slici) je druga proslog mjeseca koju sam pravila (novembar je mjesec torti u mojoj kuhinji - oba moja sina su rodjeni u novembru, moja mama, svekrva, najbolja prijateljica...Mnogo skorpija u mom zivotu!)
6 jaja
1 solja secera
75 gr brasna
50 gr kaka, dobre kvalitete
300 ml slatke pavlake, 35% masnoca
200 gr tamne cokolade
1/4 solje secera u prahu (+)
300 ml 'duplog' vrhnja ( 45% masnoce)
1 tegla visanja (u soku)
1-2 K Sheri-brendija (ili Kirsh), opciono
2 k gustina (ili slicnog skroba)
Ukljucite rerun na 170*C; pripremite22 cm obruc za torte (oblozite papirom za pecenje).
Tucite jaja sa secerom dok ne postane gusto i cvrsto. Prosijte brasno I kakao na vrh, pa rucno umijesajte. Pecite 35 minuta, ili dok ubodena cackalice ne izadje cista. Ohladite, pa izrezite na 3 sloja.
Podijelite visnje na 3 dijela, sacuvajte 1 solju soka. Dodajte alkohol soku. Cetkicom nanesite tekucinu na prva 2 sloja; postavite visnje preko ovoga. Ostatak tecnosti (2/3 solje) pomijesajte sa gustinom i prokuhajte. Ubacite treci dio visanja I ohladite.
Zagrijte vrhnje, prelijte preko komadica cokolade I promijesajte u glatku masu; ohladite. Umijesajte duplo vrhnje I miksajte u gustu kremu sa secerom u prahu. Podijelite na 3 dijela. Premazite prve 2 kore sa kremom, a zadnj samo okolo, ostavljajuci sredinu slobodnu. Slozite tortu, zatim u sredinu ubacite prostali dio sa visnjama. Stavite u frizider na 2 sata prije rezanja.
Black Forest cake is one of favourites in my family, but one of us is not fan of cream in cakes. To avoid disappointment, I added chocolate to the cream part and the result is delightful. This (pictured-one) is second that I made this month (November is month of birthday cakes in my kitchen - both my sons have birthdays in November, and so is my mum, my mother in law, my best friend...Lots of scorpios in my life!)
6 eggs
1 cup sugar
75 g flour
50 g cocoa, good quality
300 ml thickened cream, 35% fat
200 g dark chocolate
1/4 cup (+) icing sugar
300 ml double cream, 45% fat
1 jar of pitted cherries
1-2 tbs Chery Brandy ,( or Kirsh -optional)
2 tsp arrowroot (tapioca flour), or corn flour
Preheat oven to 170*C; prepare 22 cm spring form (line with baking paper).
Beat eggs and sugar until very thick and pale. Sift flour and cocoa on top and fold in. Bake for 35 minutes, or until inserted toothpick comes out clean. Cool, then take out and horizontally cut into 3 layers.
Divide cherries into 3 parts; reserve 1 cup of liquid. Add cherry brandy to the liquid. Brush 2 bottom layers of sponge with this mixture, place cherries over them. The rest of liquid (2/3 cup) mix with corn flour and boil until thick. Add last part of cherries and let it cool.
Heat cream, pour over chocolate and stir into a smooth consistency. When set, add double cream and icing sugar; beat until thick. Divide into 3; spread 2 first layers and assemble cake. Put cream around last layer, leaving middle free. Spoon jelly with cherries in the middle and refrigerate for 2 hours, before slicing.
ÄŒokoladna 'Schwartzwald' Torta
Dobrodosli u decembar!
'Schwartzwald' torta je jedna od omiljenih u mojoj porodici, ali jedan od nas ne voli pavlaku u kolacima. Stoga sam dodala cokoladu u krem, da bih izbjegla razocaranje. Torta je bila odlicna.
Ova (na slici) je druga proslog mjeseca koju sam pravila (novembar je mjesec torti u mojoj kuhinji - oba moja sina su rodjeni u novembru, moja mama, svekrva, najbolja prijateljica...Mnogo skorpija u mom zivotu!)
6 jaja
1 solja secera
75 gr brasna
50 gr kaka, dobre kvalitete
300 ml slatke pavlake, 35% masnoca
200 gr tamne cokolade
1/4 solje secera u prahu (+)
300 ml 'duplog' vrhnja ( 45% masnoce)
1 tegla visanja (u soku)
1-2 K Sheri-brendija (ili Kirsh), opciono
2 k gustina (ili slicnog skroba)
Ukljucite rerun na 170*C; pripremite22 cm obruc za torte (oblozite papirom za pecenje).
Tucite jaja sa secerom dok ne postane gusto i cvrsto. Prosijte brasno I kakao na vrh, pa rucno umijesajte. Pecite 35 minuta, ili dok ubodena cackalice ne izadje cista. Ohladite, pa izrezite na 3 sloja.
Podijelite visnje na 3 dijela, sacuvajte 1 solju soka. Dodajte alkohol soku. Cetkicom nanesite tekucinu na prva 2 sloja; postavite visnje preko ovoga. Ostatak tecnosti (2/3 solje) pomijesajte sa gustinom i prokuhajte. Ubacite treci dio visanja I ohladite.
Zagrijte vrhnje, prelijte preko komadica cokolade I promijesajte u glatku masu; ohladite. Umijesajte duplo vrhnje I miksajte u gustu kremu sa secerom u prahu. Podijelite na 3 dijela. Premazite prve 2 kore sa kremom, a zadnj samo okolo, ostavljajuci sredinu slobodnu. Slozite tortu, zatim u sredinu ubacite prostali dio sa visnjama. Stavite u frizider na 2 sata prije rezanja.
source : http://detik.com, http://twitter.com, http://jasnaskitchencreations.blogspot.com
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