Rose petals are edible. In Bosnia (and many other countries) they're used for making cordials and jams. Only non-hybrid roses can be used, as only they have specific smell / aroma. Red roses give beautiful refreshing drink, while white roses are mostly used for jams.
Ingredients: (for 1L of cordial)
6 large red roses (petals only), quickly washed in cold water
1 1/2 tsp citric acid granules (from your supermarket)
a 500 ml jar with lid
1 1/4 cup sugar + 1 cup water (for syrup)
Place rose petals into a jar, sprinkle citric acid on top and pour water to the top. Close the lid, shake jar well until citric acid solved. Place jar into sunny spot for at least 48 hours.
After 2 days, strain water with rose petals into a bottle. Boil sugar with 1 cup water and let it cool slightly. Pour it in bottle with rose water and shake well. Keep refrigerated. Use as cordial.
Note: If you boil strained petals with 1/2 cup sugar (6-8 minutes in microwave), you'll get rose jam!
Sirup od Ružinih Latica
Kao sto znate, ruzine latice se mogu koristiti u prehrani. U nasim krajevima (a i sire) se koriste za pravljenje sirupa i dzema. Samo ne-hibridne ruze mozete koristiti, jer imaju specificnu aromu, za razliku od hibridnih, koje gotovo da nemaju nikakav miris. Crvene ruze se uglavnom koriste za pripremanje sirupa, dok se bijele ruze upotrebljavaju za pravljenje dzemova.
Potrebno: (za 1 L sirupa)6 velikih crvenih ruza, latice saprane u hladnoj vodi1,5 k limunske (citricne) kiseline - granule1/2 L zapremine tegla / galon sa poklopcemvoda1 1/4 solje secera + 1 solja vode - za sirupNacin:Smjestite latice ruza u teglu, pospite sa limunskom kiselinom i zalijte vodom. Zavrnite poklopac, dobro izmuckajte sadrzinu i ostavite na suncanu poziciju najmanje 48 sati.Nakon 2 dana, procijedite sadrzaj u flasu od 1 l. Prokuhajte secer sa 1 soljom vode, malo prohladite. Naspite u flasu sa ruzinom vodom i dobro promijesajte. Smjestite u frizider; koristite kao sirup za osvjezavajuci napitak. Napomena: Ako preostale latice ruze prokuhate sa 1/2 solje secera (u mikrovalnoj 6-8 minuta), dobicete dzem od ruza!
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