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[Pudding] Bread Rolls with Sweet Potato (Kumara) Filling / 'Flower Bread'


Bread Rolls with Sweet Potato (Kumara) Filling / 'Flower Bread'

For those who like their breakfast to look special. I used original (Zhong Thang) dough, but any sweet bread dough can be shaped this way. Following recipe is for 6 rolls.

Zhong Tang starter-
15 g flour
75 g water
(mix flour and water, cook over low heat or microwave until thick; cover and let it cool)
125 g cooked sweet potato, mashed
15 g sugar
25 g butter
(mix all into smooth paste, wrap into cling wrap and refrigerate)
Final dough-220 g bread flour
40 g sugar
3 g salt
3 g instant dry yeast (or 8 g fresh yeast)
1 egg + 1 yolk
60 g milk
75 g zhong tang (room temperature)
40 g softened butter

-egg white for brushing, seeds for decoration

Mix all ingredients for dough and knead a bit (or use mixer, breadmaker...). Cover and let it rise (45min-1 hour). Take filling out of fridge , divide into 6. Divide dough into 6. Roll each piece into circle, place 1 part of filling in the middle and bring edges together, forming a ball. Let it rest one time more about 20 min(with smooth side up). Roll each ball gently into a 10-12 cm circle, then cut as shown into 8 wedges, leaving centre uncut. Put the edges of 2 parts together on bottom, then press slightly with your palm. Repeat with others. When all done, brush each with egg white, place some poppy seeds (or other) in the middle . Place all rolls onto lined baking tin. Switch oven to 180*C; when ready place rolls inside and bake for 12-15 minutes, or until golden. Take out and place onto a wire to cool. Consume warm or cold.

Bread Rolls with Sweet Potato (Kumara) Filling / 'Flower Bread'

Cvjetovi sa punjenjem od slatkog krompira

Pecivo za one koji zele da im dorucak (uzina) izgleda lijepo. Koristila sam Zhong Thang metod tijesta, ali bilo koje tijesto za peciva moze biti oblikovano na ovaj nacin. Navedena kolicina dovoljna za 6 cvjetova.
Zong tang smjesa-
15 gr brasna
75 gr vode
(skuhajte ovo u gustu smjesu, pokrijte i ostavite hladiti)
125 gr kuhanog slatkog krompira, propasiranog
15 gr secera
25 gr maslaca
(pomijesajte sve sastojke u glatku smjesu, zamotajte u plasticnu foliju i ostavite u frizider).
Finalno tijesto-
220 gr brasna (za peciva)
40 gr secera
3 gr soli
3 gr instant kvasca (ili 8 gr svjezeg)
1 jaje + 1 zumance
60 gr mlijeka
75 gr pocetne (zong tang) smjese, sobna temperatura
40 gr maslaca, omeksalog

-bjelance za premazivanje + sjemenke za ukrasavanje

Umijesite tijesto od navadenih sastojaka (rucno sa mikserom ili pekacem..), ostavite pokriveno na toplom da se dize (45min - 1 sat). Izvadite fil iz frizidera, podijelite ga na 6. Podijelite tijesto na 6 dijelova. Razvaljate svaki u krug, zatim u sredu stavite fil. Sastavite krajeve prstima, ostavite svaku lopticu naopako da se odmori, oko 20 minuta.
Razvaljajte lopte njezno na krugove 10-12 cm, zatim izrezite na reznjeve kako je prikazano, pazeci da sredina ostane neprorezana. Hvatajte po dvije 'latice' pa im krajeve slijepite prstima s donje strane. Lagano pritisnite dlanom. Ponovite sa ostalima, zatim premazite bjelancetom, ukrasite sjemenkama i smjestite na papirom oblozenu tepsiju / pleh.
Ukljucite rernu na 180*c. Kada je zagrijana smjestite peciva unutra i pecite 12-15 minuta, ili dok ne postanu blago zlatne. Izvadite i postavite na zicu za hladjenje. Konzumirajte tople ili hladne.

Bread Rolls with Sweet Potato (Kumara) Filling / 'Flower Bread'

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