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[Pudding] Squid Ink Fettuccine (with Garlic and Parmesan Sauce)

Squid Ink Fettuccine (with Garlic and Parmesan Sauce)

I've been seeing risottos and pasta (even bread) made with squid ink, and was wandering what kind of taste do they have. Then I found bottled squid ink on special in Aldi, and decided to have a try.
It has very seafoody smell and extremely black colour (the smell has disappeared during cooking).
Pasta was tasty and with interesting, unusual colour. After doing my research I found that squid ink is very healthy; contains iron, antioxidants and other nutritious and protective ingredients. Reason more to use it again!

500 g flour (durum if possible)
3 eggs
100 ml water
1 tbs squid ink
1 tsp salt
300 ml thickened cream
2-3 garlic cloves
1/2 cup grated Parmesan
salt and white pepper to taste
1 tbs parsley, chopped (optional)

Place flour in a deep bow, make a well. Break eggs in the middle, add water salt and squid ink. Make a stiff dough (mixer's spiral beaters or by hand), cover (or wrap) and leave it rest for 20 + minutes. Cut dough into manageable sizes. Roll out each onto floured surface and cut into strips / fettuccine. You can do this by hand or using pasta machine. Cook in a large pot of salted water for 5 minutes.
Sauce- Boil cream, add garlic and parmesan and mix well. Add drained pasta to this and mix well. Enjoy warm.

Squid Ink Fettuccine (with Garlic and Parmesan Sauce)

Rezanci sa Crnilom Lignji
Vidjala sam rizote i tjesteninu (cak i kruh) sa crnilom (tintom) lignji (kod nas se uglavnom koristilo sipino crnilo), i pitala sam se kakvog je to ukusa. Onda sam pronasla bocicu crnila u Aldiju i odlucila isprobati. Crnilo je imalo jak miris morskih plodova i izuzetno tamnu crnu boju (miris je ispario tokom kuhanja). Tjestenina je bila ukusna i imala je interesantnu, neobicnu boju. Poslije istrazivanja na internetu, saznala sam da je crnilo izuzetno zdravo; sadrzi zeljezo, antioksidanse i druge nutritivne i zastitne sastojke. Razlog vise da ga kupim ponovo!
Potrebno:Tjestenina-500 gr brasna (durum po mogucnosti)3 jaja1 dl vode1 K crnila 1 k soliPreliv (sos)-3 dl slatkog vrhnja2-3 cena bijelog luka1/2 solje rendanog parmezanaso i bijeli biber prema ukusu1 K lisca persuna, sjeckano (opciono)
Nacin:Stavite brasno u vecu posudu, napravite udubljenje u sredini, pa razbijte jaja, dodajte vodu, crnilo i so. Umijesite tvrdje tijesto (rukom ili sa spiralnim nastavcima na mikseru), ostavite pokriveno / zamotano odmarati 20+ minuta. Isjecite tijesto na nekoliko komada, razvaljajte na brasnom posutoj povrsini i narezite na trake (ovo mozete uciniti rucno ili uz pomoc masine za tjesteninu). Kuhajte u dosta zasoljene vode oko 5 minuta. Preliv / sos- Zagrijte vrhnje do kljucanja, dodajte bijeli luk i parmezan. Ubacite skuhanu pastu i promijesajte. Sluzite dok je toplo.
Squid Ink Fettuccine (with Garlic and Parmesan Sauce)

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