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Super Junior - This is love ( released in Oct, 2014)
Yeah This is love woo~ Come on girl
수백 ê°œì˜ ë‹¨ì–´ , 수천 ê°œì˜ ëª¨ìŠµ ( Hundreds of words, thousands of images)
ë³´ë©´ / ë˜ ê°™ì€ / ë“¤ì–´ë„ ê°™ì€/ ì°¸ 모호한 기분 (G22, 14) see if / again same / hear even same / really vague feeling ( When I see them, it’s the same again. Even when I hear them , it’s the really same vague feeling.)
ì–´ë µê³ ë„ ì‰¬ìš´ ìˆ˜ë§Žì€ ì‚¬ëž‘ (G3,14) ( Hard and easy many loves )
ê·¸ ë˜‘ê°™ì€ ì‚¬ëž‘ (G14) ( The same love ) ë°˜ì§ì´ëŠ” 물방울들 / ì 실 듯 / ë‚ ìŠ¤ì³ê°€ (G6,63-4) Sparkling water drops / as if wet / me pass by ( The sparkling water drops pass by like it’ll wet me .)
ëª¨ë‘ ê³ ë§Œ ê³ ë§Œ 비슷한 스침들 ë¿ (G14) Every small small similar passes just ( It's all just small and similar passes.)
처ìŒì—” / 좀 ë°©ì‹¬í–ˆê³ , (G3) At first / a little let down my guard and, ( At first, I let down my guard and,)
ì–´ëŠìƒˆ ìƒê°í•˜ì§€ (G45) ( At some point (I) think )
ì´ë¯¸ 어깨 위를 ì 시는 빗방울처럼 (G6) already shoulder on wetting raindrops like ( Like the raindrops already wetting my shoulders)
단어) 수백 ê°œì˜ : hundreds of ( ë°±: hundred) 수천 ê°œì˜ : thousands of ( 천: a thousand) 단어: word 모습: image, appearance 보다: to see ë˜: again 같다: to be the same 듣다: to hear, to listen ì°¸: really 모호하다: to be vague 기분: feeling, mood ì–´ë µë‹¤: to be hard 쉽다: to be easy 수많다: to be a lot 사랑: love ê·¸: the, that 똑같다: to be the same ë°˜ì§ì´ë‹¤: to be sparkling 물방울들: water drops (- 들: -s) ì 시다: to wet ë‚ : me (casual) 스ì³ê°€ë‹¤: to pass by 모ë‘: every ê³ ë§Œ: small 비슷하다: to be similar 스침: a pass ë¿: just 처ìŒì—”: at first ( ì—” is a short form of ì—는 , ì—: time marker, 는: comparative marker) 좀: a little 방심하다: to let down one's guard ì–´ëŠìƒˆ: at some point ìƒê°í•˜ë‹¤: to think ì´ë¯¸: already 어깨: shoulder N 위: on N 빗방울: raindrop N처럼: like N
This is love This is love
여린 ë°”ëžŒë„ (G14) gentle wind even ( Even the gentle wind)
길 ê°€ì— / 피어난 수수한 ê½ƒë„ (G14) street side on/ bloomed plain flowers even ( Even the plain flowers that bloomed on the street sides)
This is love This is love
아주 ìž‘ì€ ê²Œ (G14) ( Very small things )
사랑ì´ì—ˆë‹¤ëŠ” 걸 / 알게 í•´ 준 / 너 (G18,50,14) Love was/ made me realize / you ( You made me realize love was about very small things.)
단어) 여리다: to be gentle 바람: wind Në„: even N 길 ê°€: street side 피어나다: to bloom 수수하다: to be plain 꽃: flower 아주: very 작다: to be small 게: thing(s) 사랑: love 알게 해주다 : to make somebody realize 너: you (casual)
지난 ë´„ë‚ ë¶€í„° / ì¨ì˜¨ 너와 ë‚˜ì˜ ì²« 번째 ì´ì•¼ê¸° (G14,53) Last spring days / since written your and my first story ( Our first story that was written since the last spring days)
매ì¼ì´ Lovely day ( Everyday (is) a lovely day)
ì–´ëŠìƒˆ / 우린 진심 어린 거울 ê°™ì€ ì‚¬ì´ (G14) At some point/ our honest mirror like relationship ( At some point, our relationship is like an honest mirror.)
니가 ì¢‹ì€ ì´ìœ ? (G14) you good reason? (The reason I like you?)
글쎄, ë§í•˜ìžë©´, ( Well, to explain it,)
ìš°ë¦¬ë“¤ì˜ ì‚¬ëž‘ì€ / Andante보다 / ë§Žì´ ë¹ ë¥¸ 행복? (G14) our love is / Andante than / much fast happiness? ( Our love is a happiness that is faster than andante? )
내게 / 소ì›ì´ 있나요? ë¼ê³ 물으면 (G44, 23-1, 22) " me to / wish have? " ask if ( If they ask " do you have a wish?")
ì˜¤ì§ ë„ˆë¼ê³ , ì˜ì›ížˆ í•´ë°”ë¼ê¸°ì²˜ëŸ¼ ë¨¸ë¬¸ë‹¤ê³ (G32-3, 32-1) "(It's) only you" , "forever sunflower like stay" (I’ll say that it’s only you and that I’ll stay with you forever like a sunflower.)
단어) 지난 N: last N ë´„ë‚ : spring days N부터 : since ì¨ì˜¤ë‹¤: to have written 너: your, you (casual) 나ì˜: my (casual) 첫번째: first ì´ì•¼ê¸°: story 매ì¼: everyday ì–´ëŠìƒˆ: at some point 우린: we, our ( a short form of 우리는, 우리: we, our , 는: topic marker) 진심 어리다: to be honest 거울: mirror 같다: to be like 사ì´: relationship 니: you (casual) 좋다: to be good, to like ì´ìœ : reason 우리들ì˜: our 사랑: love N보다: than N 많ì´: much ë¹ ë¥´ë‹¤: to be fast 행복: happiness 내게: to me 소ì›: wish 있다: to have 묻다: to ask 오ì§: only ì˜ì›ížˆ: forever í•´ë°”ë¼ê¸°: sunflower N처럼: like N 머물다: stay
ì´ë¦¬ 좀 ë” ê°€ê¹Œì´ ì™€ here a little more closely come
ì•ˆì— ë‹¤ 들어가게 (G71) inside completely (I) enter so (Come a little closer so I can go completely inside.)
니가 í”í•œ 얘길 듣다가 ë…¹ì„까 ë´ (G14,46,76) You common story hear and melt in case ( In case you melt away at the common stories as you hear)
사랑ì´ëž€ 네모 ì•ˆì— / ì 어야 í• ì •ë‹µë“¤ì„ (G13,43) Love called square inside / write should answers ( The answers I should write inside the squared called love )
ê·¸ì € 먼 ê³³ì—ì„œ / ì°¾ì•˜ë˜ ë‚˜ì—게 / ë„Œ (G14,34,44) Just far places in / find used to me / you ( You are something to me who used to find the answers in just far places.)
단어) ì´ë¦¬: here 좀 : a little ë”: more 가까ì´: closely 오다: to come 안ì—: inside 다: completely 들어가다: to enter í”하다: to be common 예기: story 듣다: to hear 녹다: to melt 사랑: love Nì´ëž€ N' : N' called N 네모: square N 안ì—: inside N ì 다: to write ì •ë‹µ: answer - 들: -s ( plural form) ê·¸ì €: just 멀다: to be far ê³³: place 찾다: to find 나: me, I (casual)
This is love This is love
여린 ë°”ëžŒë„ (G14) gentle wind even ( Even the gentle wind)
길 ê°€ì— / 피어난 수수한 ê½ƒë„ (G14) street side on/ bloomed plain flowers even ( Even the plain flowers that bloomed on the street sides)
This is love This is love
아주 ìž‘ì€ ê²Œ (G14) ( Very small things )
사랑ì´ì—ˆë‹¤ëŠ” 걸 / 알게 í•´ 준 / 너 (G18,50,14) Love was/ made me realize / you ( You made me realize love was about very small things.)
This is love This is love
ë§‘ì€ í•˜ëŠ˜ë„ (G14) clear sky even ( Even the clear sky )
수í‰ì„ ì € 너머 / 사는 íƒœì–‘ë„ (G6) horizon there over / living sun even (Even the sun that is living over the horizon)
This is love This is love
ì„¸ìƒ ëª¨ë“ ê²Œ world everything ( Everything in the world)
사랑ì´ì—ˆë‹¤ëŠ” 걸 / ê°€ë¥´ì³ ì¤€ 너 (G18,50,14) love was/ taught you ( You taught me that everything in the world was love.)
단어) 여리다: to be gentle 바람: wind Në„: even N 길 ê°€: street side 피어나다: to bloom 수수하다: to be plain 꽃: flower 아주: very 작다: to be small 게: thing(s) 사랑: love 알게 해주다 : to make somebody realize 너: you (casual) 맑다: to be clear 하늘: sky Në„ : even N 수í‰ì„ : horizon ì € 너머: over there 살다: to live 태양: sun 세ìƒ: world ëª¨ë“ ê²Œ: everything 사랑: love 가르ì³ì£¼ë‹¤: to teach 너: you (casual)
몇 초면 / ìžŠí˜€ì ¸ ê°ˆ (G22,43) a few seconds if / will be forgotten
간단한 사람들 ì† (G14) Plain people among ( Among the plain people who will be forgotten in a matter of seconds)
다른 너를 알아 (G14) different you (I) know ( I know you’re different. )
ì € 별처럼 That star like (Like that star)
Love, Love
ê·¸ëŒ€ë¡œì¸ Love, Love (G14) ( Just the way it is, Love, Love )
너와 나, 나 (G53) ( You and I, I )
단 둘ì´ì„œ ( Just two of us )
Hold ya. Just wanna hold ya
좀 ë” ê°€ê¹Œì´ A little more closely ( a little closer)
Just wanna hold ya
단어) 몇 ì´ˆ: a few seconds ( ì´ˆ: second) ìžŠí˜€ì ¸ 가다: to forget 간단하다:to be plain 사람들: people N ì†: among N 다르다: to be different 알다: to know ì €: that 별: star N처럼: like N 그대로ì´ë‹¤: to be just the way it is 나: I (casual) 단 N: just N 둘: two 좀: a little ë”: more 가까ì´: closely
This is love This is love
여린 ë°”ëžŒë„ (G14) gentle wind even ( Even the gentle wind)
길 ê°€ì— / 피어난 수수한 ê½ƒë„ (G14) street side on/ bloomed plain flowers even ( Even the plain flowers that bloomed on the street sides)
This is love This is love
아주 ìž‘ì€ ê²Œ (G14) ( Very small things )
사랑ì´ì—ˆë‹¤ëŠ” 걸 / 알게 í•´ 준 / 너 (G18,50,14) Love was/ made me realize / you ( You made me realize love was about very small things.) This is love This is love
ë§‘ì€ í•˜ëŠ˜ë„ (G14) clear sky even ( Even the clear sky )
수í‰ì„ ì € 너머 / 사는 íƒœì–‘ë„ (G6) horizon there over / living sun even (Even the sun that is living over the horizon)
This is love This is love
ì„¸ìƒ ëª¨ë“ ê²Œ world everything ( Everything in the world)
사랑ì´ì—ˆë‹¤ëŠ” 걸 / ê°€ë¥´ì³ ì¤€ 너 (G18,50,14) love was/ taught you
( You taught me that everything in the world was love.)
단어) 여리다: to be gentle 바람: wind Në„: even N 길 ê°€: street side 피어나다: to bloom 수수하다: to be plain 꽃: flower 아주: very 작다: to be small 게: thing(s) 사랑: love 알게 해주다 : to make somebody realize 너: you (casual) 맑다: to be clear 하늘: sky Në„ : even N 수í‰ì„ : horizon ì € 너머: over there 살다: to live 태양: sun 세ìƒ: world ëª¨ë“ ê²Œ: everything 사랑: love 가르ì³ì£¼ë‹¤: to teach 너: you (casual)
Quiz created by Eunha Seo with ExamTime
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